Od 1990-ih, the entire high definition LED display industry at home and abroad has been developing at a high speed. Especially in the past three years, due to the fierce market competition, the industry has undergone a reshuffle phenomenon. Many Chinese LED enterprises have realized the pressure of competition, increased capital investment, continued to expand the scale, and made great efforts in technology leading and differentiated competition, especially as LED lighting began to enter the application era in a large scale, It opened the prologue of domestic LED lighting reform. Trenutno, the domestic LED market has been fully opened, and the export of LED products still accounts for a large proportion. It is understood that the domestic LED industry is concentrated in Shenzhen, and about 80% of its products are exported.
For traditional Chinese enterprises, it is a challenge to do well in the international market. First of all, due to the late start of China’s LED industry, the lack of awareness of intellectual property rights, te relativno zaostao rad na prijavi i zaštiti patenata, Kineskim LED zaslonskim tvrtkama teško je uhvatiti inicijativu na međunarodnom tržištu zbog nedostatka LED patenata, a često su u relativno pasivnom položaju pred oštrom tržišnom konkurencijom. Drugo, međunarodna formulacija LED standarda dosegla je značajne razmjere, a njegov je sustav relativno zreo i dovršen, a u osnovi je sinkroniziran s razvojem tržišta. Međutim, the introduction of China’s LED standards is far behind. Trebali bismo učiti iz naprednog iskustva Sjedinjenih Država, Europske unije i drugih zemalja, i započeti s hitnim standardima koji imaju veliki utjecaj na razvoj proizvoda, i brzo razviti neke standarde ili specifikacije koje su pogodne za industrijski razvoj, tako da poduzeća u industriji mogu učiti od njih i koristiti ih.
Treće, Kineska poduzeća također su pod konkurentskim pritiskom drugih zemalja da istraže međunarodno tržište LED zaslona. Samo u Aziji, Japan, Južna Koreja i Kina tri su zemlje s relativno potpunim razvojem industrije, i svaki ima svoje prednosti: Japanska LED industrija započela je ranije, industrijski lanac je netaknut, a zauzima neznatan položaj u međunarodnim trgovačkim centrima, računovodstvo za 1/4 of the proportion of international shopping malls in 2010; Although the LED industry in South Korea started late, it rose rapidly in just a few years by virtue of its technological development strength; The development of China’s LED industry is strongly supported by the government, and has the advantages of manpower, raw materials and other costs.
In the long run, in the context of globalization and the deepening of shopping malls, LED global competition is inevitable. Only with competition can we have the power to promote the continuous progress of the industry and promote the continuous development of industry. Benign competition is also a necessary condition to promote the continuous progress of shopping malls, but also to prevent the breeding of vicious competition.